Monday 2 October 2017

Basic Types of Shots in Film Making and Photography

What is Shot?

In film making and video creation, a shot is a series of frames, that runs for an continuous period of time. Film shots are an important aspect of a movie where angles, transitions and cuts are used to further express feelings, emotions,  ideas and movement.

1.  Extreme Long Shot (ELS)

Extreme Long Shots are used to show the subject from a distance, or the Location in which the scene is taking place. This type of shot is particularly useful for establishing a scene

2. Long Shot (LS)

Long Shots also known as full shot or Wide shot, Long Shots shows the subject from top to bottom, and  usually projected to put the object or person in some relation to the Location.

3. Medium Long shot (MLS)

Medium long shots include a character or characters from approximately the knees up in the frame, It is an Intermediate between Long Shot and Medium Shot. Shows subject from the knees up. These shots are also known as American shots.

4. Medium Shot (MS)

Medium Shot  also referred to as a Semi-Close Shot, a medium shot Usually frames actor from the waist up and  It aims to capture subtle facial expressions combined with their body language or surrounding environment that may be essential to provide context. The medium shot should usually contain all the action of the scene and it should be well matched with the flow of the long shot, so that the editor can cut smoothly at practically any point between them.

5. Medium Close Up Shot (MCU)

Medium Close Up Shot captures between a Medium Shot and a Close Up, typically framing the subject from shoulder up.

6. Close Up Shot (CU)

The close up keeps only the subject or a person’s face full in the frame. It is, without a doubt, the most essential shot type to show dramatic elements, reactions, or emotion.

7. Extreme Close Up  (ECU)

Extreme Close up Shots also known as Macro shot, This shot is traditionally used in films to Emphasizes a small area or detail of the subject, such as the eye or mouth. An Extreme Close Up of just the eyes is sometimes called an Italian Shot

- by Jagadish

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